Tristar bait stations are perfect for residential and commercial properties, with a slim design that is easy to distribute and conceal. Many businesses must have a rodent prevention strategy to meet OH&S regulations, even if the property has never had pests. These proactive requirements, such as rat traps, can often attract your visitor’s attention, resulting in a misleading belief that the property has rodents. Tristar stations will not only effectively prevent rats, but also easily tuck away out of sight.
Tristar bait stations are ideal for:
Domestic Homes:
- use as first line perimeter defence along the fence line, near water heaters etc.
- use indoors behind the fridge or underneath the pantry
- place on or under roof without loosing bait to possums
- safe for kids and pets – only opens with the twist of a key
Trades & Workshops:
- protect tools and equipment
- your clients will never know that you have rat traps
- place in and around feed rooms
- will be out of reach of farm animals and pets
- prevent contamination of food
- eliminates risk of leather goods getting chewed by rats
Food Establishments:
- meets your food and safety regulations
- tucks away out of sightline of guests
- easy assembly, so all staff members can install and refill anytime
- great for easy prevention around school property
- use indoors where there is lots of food to attract rodents
- safe around kids
- easy installation by your current handyman
- meet safety requirements
- avoid contaminations of food and medical supplies
- protects electronic equipment from being damaged by rats
Vets & Pet Shops:
- place around perimeter and near food storage to prevent rats
- avoid rats chewing through and ruining bags of pet food
- safe to place around all pets: bait is secure and out of reach
- fast to install throughout large area
- economic way to meet OH&S requirements
- prevent capital losses incurred if factory is shut down due to rat sighting